Sunday, September 18, 2005

Shameless Self Promotion

Cntent Note: Joe Calapai will, for now, refer to himself in the third person in an effort to get Joe Calapai's own site on search engines. For whatever reason if you type "Joe Calapai" into Yahoo! or Goodle search, you won't get this site. Oddly enough, if you enter the same thing into search on Yahoo! Canada or Yahoo! Australia and New Zealand, then you DO get this site. So Joe Calapai hopes that if he repeats his name, Joe Calapai, enough times, the Joe Calapai site will come up when you enter "Joe Calapai" in the search.


At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you post "Joe Calapai Blog" you show up a bunch of times on different sites. You must be famous or something. :-)


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